I was asked to post this so people could see the board I made for one of my friends daughter's baptism. It is a simple piece of 1/2inch press board from home depot. Cut to desired dimensions. Router edges to desired design. Lay up side down on table saw and drop blade to low position. Cut straight lines to desired box size on front of board. Hint mark the back of board with a pencil to indicate where lines should be cut. Boxes that are 3X5 and 4X6 picture sizes are easier to fill when ready to mod podge. After cut mod podge scrapbook paper and pics to front face. Careful not to get mod podge on picture fronts. These make great gifts!
Very cute!
I love it!!! You simply amaze me with your talent.
You're a craft genius! You might as well speak French to me:) Oh, wait. Not French. Chinese. I know some French.
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